One Month Completed Of Blogging
When I started with this Blog on 30th July,2009 I felt that this is very big task to do..Updating everyday and typing everyday...Will it be possible?
One more thought too came in my mind at that time was that What to write everyday but it is said naa ki after forwarding our first step we voluntarily come to know how our way gonna be.....Its all upon us to make our path easy or difficult...and I made my blogging activities as an ease part of my life...
After starting Blog, I came to know that theres a lot of thing which goes through all over the day which we dont realize because we are busy finding stars and the moon is left invisible but after writing this blog I came to know that Theres a lot of useful activities we do all over the day and there are many things around us which we dont observe but when we have a task to list out them compulsorily we come to know that Uff...How behind we are.....Now after writing this blog I felt it...
One more fear was also there in my mind...Will my friends be interested in reading about me but right from the first day the response I received for this is tremendous..thats what gave me motivation to perform Blogging....Every one of my good friends said that Its special...and Its all about you only....Thanks friend for loving my writing and my blog....and thanks for reading it.....Your support have made my blog tocontinue for 1 month and hopefully if you will read it in the same way I'll continue it till my breathe lasts......
This journey from 30th July to 31st August has been one of the biggest experience of my life........