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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Announcement Of Fresher's Day ! ! !

I was excited right from the first day for the Fresher's Party.....the only reason is that we have dress and to see all the classmates and friends in the same dress makes my eyes go painfull......So these are the some days when we see everyone in different colours.....So after Teacher's Day Im just excited for Fresher's Day where we all wil lbe welcomed by our Fresher and our teachers.....On this very Saturday...Is our Fresher's Day......Im very excited....but the problem is of the Dress code...because if I'll not be having it I'll have to buy and you all would be familiar with the family's Chik chik and pik pik......

        One more act I came to know today that our first Defaulter List of attendance going to be put on the Notice board very soon either today or tomorrow.....I came to know my two results...In the Fundamentals of IT lecture my attendance os 15 out of 15 days that is 100%.....and in English Lecture my attendance is 7 out of 8 days....Even thats fine...Acc to me I have attended all the lectures regularly as I love my Course , college, teachers and friends.....So theres no meaning of Bunking the periods and roaming outside.....So this notice made excited that when I'll be albe to see the first defaulter list on the board....

         My friend Yusuf told that he have read the half book of Chetan Bhagat's Five Pint Someone and its very interesting...Now even I'll read it...

Now friends Bye as my Management Assignment is incomplete..

Love you All....

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