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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

ROHAN ARORA SPEAKS (Reader's Post) !!!

            Reader's BLOG POST -->>

Rohan- Childhood Friend
        This is the 2nd post from one of my school friends - ROHAN. Click here - ROHAN ARORA to follow him on Twitter. Rohan had been my classmate since 1st standard till 10th std. He was the most consistent student of our class. As I can recall, he had always scored 1st rank except once or twice. He was so bright that when the school used to re-open , he used to have completed all his portions and syllabus in the vacations itself. He was the king of the class as he was the most knowledge-able person. He used to talk decently and kindly. I don't know how he had grown up to be like this as he is now but but he was very kind and humble. ;-). He was so bright that even today when I hear someone's name as Rohan, I assume him as a scholar. ;-). He is the boy who had kept our batch integrated because there is no one who calls each other, he is the only person who keep asking for each and every student's phone number and call and keep the touch with everyone. Rohan is perusing his Computer Engineering right now. Rohan, may god bless you. Come on, let's read what he had written.


           Hi...Everyone!! When one of my back-bencher classmates (Abhilash Ruhela) at J.M Rathi English School asked me to write an article for his blog I was in two minds (rather thoughts), whether to cherish the past memories or convey a message which I always wanted to. 


          First, as our friend Salman has pointed out that we are responsible for the current scenario, where we have high unemployment, poverty, illiteracy rates. So let's see how we can make a difference.
               In my terms what do you need to make a difference?

               Let’s take the example, I guess when we all are 16+, we apply for a Learners' Driving License.
              What will our parents suggest? In most cases, figure out a driving school (I'll refer to them as agents/middlemen) and apply for the same.
              But I feel we must think differently. We have access to INTERNET. Access to INFORMATION. Access to the LAWS of our own land.
             Rather than just making use of it for mere social networking, or our projects one can use it to access information, and a bit socially aware. Whats happening in my country? If I want to apply for a learner's driving license what’s the procedure, Google it, and you'll find the online procedure involved!!!
             If the amount to be paid (i.e. Fees by the RTO) is just Rs. 50 is it worth paying the middle-men Rs. 150 and thereby summing up to a value of Rs. 200. Who are these middle-men? Whom are they for? They are for the uneducated, the illiterate.
             Not for us. We the current generation need to prove that we are EDUCATED AND NOT MERE LITERATE. If you want to see a change, be a part of it. Just mere TALK won't do.

              Make your CONTRIBUTION in your own small way. I am not asking you to go out of the way. Whenever you deal with government officers, know the rules, know your rights, have patience, curb corruption. Prove that we are the EDUCATED generation who are here to bring about a change.


         Now that your college must have started certain recommendations I being from the IT stream would suggest:
1.    If you are learning C, C++ do make all your concepts clear.
2.    Practice makes a man perfect. Code a lot.....Drink, Sleep and Eat CODE for a couple of months
3.    You will have time in your initial years (first and second) after that you won't
4.    Coding is not everything at the end of the day. The thinking process is crucial Refer to Standford University website and their videos
5.    Enhance your logical skills, don't rely on rote learning, it isn’t going to help you in your professional career, nor will flattering in the long-term
6.    Secondly, don't get addicted to googling programs and submitting them.
7.    With respect to any issue I recommend, THINK BEFORE YOU GOOGLE
8.    In general, don't get addicted to the computer. It inhibits your thinking process.
9.    Read several books, enjoy life.

       Be a good son, an awesome friend, an excellent student (not by flattering the faculty but by hard work and understanding). REST SUCCESS WILL FOLLOW YOU

       Need any help pertaining to any issue; drop me a mail on rohandec90@gmail.com. ...will surely make an unconditional effort to help you out.

I wonder how many will appreciate this article....anyways regards to you Abhilash.

Hope you accomplish your dream of becoming a writer someday...you sure will.

Rohan Arora


4 comments- You Can Also Write It Here:


Nyc! But Why Juz IT Studentz?? U Cud Have Altered a Few pOintz To Generalize It Fr All Kinda Studentz.. Rest d Article Wz Good..

One Family Photographs

Yeah..you can generalize it for all........Thanks Salman @Abhilash..do the needful as Salman says

AbhiLaSH RuHeLa

I am very much impressed by ur first article about gathering information on internet....and second one is funny..its nice.. u have integrated both the articles together.. Nice Rohan...Good one..expected a little better from u..but the first one is upto expectation...second one is also nice but not Rohan Arora's type..

AbhiLaSH RuHeLa

@rohan wat can I do? I cant edit the content of your blog man...Don't expect this now..It is up now..consider it as it is on newspaper now..hahaha..

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