Internet Celebrated Its 40th Birthday Today !!!
Today Internet has completed its 40th Birthday.40 years back a team worked on the fundamental of information technology - DATABASE. Database can be said as developing a platform where everyone can share files and datas..and things can be bought up at a particular platform..So because of this database, today we can work on orkut and facebook...and other social networking sites where you meet up with your friends at a platform.Internet when was started was having a single target to transfer message from one place to another and first invention in it was of E-mail. E-mail at that decade was something which was unbelievable to everyone.They said that how can a mail or message can pass on to another person in a single second. But at that time the team who created this huge success story- Internet didn't knew that Internet will grow so wide and broad that it will help people in many way..
One of the software engineer of that team - Leonard Kleinrock says that he never imagined Facebook and Twitter and even Youtube which are taken as granted today.. Many new applications are available today and the children from age 8 starts using Internet..The youth when were asked in the Show MTV WASS UP that what do they mostly do on the internet..They themselves said that they surf Orkut, Facebook, Twitter, chat rooms and download videos and other certain stuffs..And hence they showed that they use internet erratically..Internet has completed 40 years and it is being exploited now..In the recent remand cases it was found that more than half of the teenagers were arrested for the crime they committed through Internet...I hope that this will not continue in future as it corrupts the situation we are handling..
Azhar and Rubina of Slumdog Millionaire fame were blessed with Rs. 25 lakhs to search a new flat to live in from the Jai Ho trust..This slumdogs says that this 25 Lakh isn't abundant to buy a flat..I hope that they have wiped out what they were before the film..Inko yaaad karaana padega..Jyaada hi jhaad pe cadhh gaye hain..My Final Practical Exam of C Language and Office Automation is on 28th Oct..Just One day left more to study and feed the logics and concepts in my mind. Nobody is robust in my class and this is making me uncomfortable and who are robust are creating hell with their this kind of attitude..I hope that their this attitude will help me in the practical exam..You would be thinking that What Im speaking and What does I mean..Hosiyaar aadmi samajh gaya hoga..But I'll tell you what I meant once My prediction goes veracious..Still little symptoms of unwellness travelling in my veins...Hope they will be cleared off till tomorrow's morning....
Thanx for reading..Little about Internet and little about me..Apologize to them whom I didnt replied..They pained so much to comment on my blog and I didn't replied...Hope I'll get well soon and reply to all of you..It will take a time but you dont leave my hand..Because I need your support...
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