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Friday, March 12, 2010

I'm Ashamed Of Myself !!!

           153TH BLOG -->>

        I entered my classroom yesterday, On the first bench- Two girls were sitting and arguing with each other..and one of them was standing there to support one of them..and everyone from our class were standing there as some magic is being shown..Suddenly the things went bad and rather than the problem getting solved , it became worst..Everyone was clapping on the dialogues of that girl who had a girl with her in her support..and that girl who was the opponent was left all alone..All the 24 children of the class were at one side and that 1 girl was all alone...I felt so sad for her at that very moment ki I felt like meddling in their conversation and ceasing all that nuisance in one flick..But I dont know which power stopped me..I just hate that power...I just hate myself to be coward..I just hate myself to see that unwanted scenario..I just hate myself to be so bad human being according to what I did at that very moment..

             Why do we realize some facts after the time is passed away? Why dont we get the beautiful ideas when the time is there to react and balance the dithering situation? Why doesnt our brain works when It can really bring some revolution? I dont know the answers but I do know this ki We are the one who set this limits on our brain to work only till certain extent..Why dont we cross boundary and behave extra-ordinarily? Why do we behave like same selfish human beings? Why do we think about our smile, happiness and peace? Why dont we help others for their happiness and peace? This is when we should go and stand infront of the mirror and ask several questionss to ourselves that What have I done after taking the birth on this earth so that I can feel proud on myself? And then you will realize What a bad person you are..who haven't helped anyone without demanding anything back either directly or indirectly...My best days goes in satisfaction when I help a stranger..Either by telling them the right road so that they can reach where they want to..or by helping a man to catch the local train so that he / she can reach their spot at the time..Once a balloon of a small child went in the middle of the highway and he started crying..and everyone there were waiting for that balloon to be bursted beneath the tyre of any vehicle..I was sitting on the backseat of the bike and I asked my father to stop the bike, he stopped and I crossed the highway..Picked the balloon and gave it to that poor child whose mother can't afford second balloon for him and that was the day when I felt like I have achieved the greatest success of that year.. And yesterday when all this happened I was quiet...The stones were thrown on that girl , everyone was clapping at every hur she was getting and I was standing and watching...I'm ashamed of myself..

                Yesterday, when I returned home after this incident , I felt like killing myself...I was just thinking about what that girl would be feeling at that time in her home..She would be feeling very lonely..She would be needing someone's support..And there is no one to hold her hand and tap her shoulders ..I have faced the loneliness very closely in my life and so I can understand her feelings..and as I was her boy-friends once so I can feel her pain more evidently..I just want to say SORRY to her with whatever punishment she will give to me..and I want to say Sorry to Sai Baba for watching a girl being insulted and doing nothing against it...PLEASE FORGIVE ME


4 comments- You Can Also Write It Here:


hey...dont be so hard on ur self...sometimes these things happen...i know u are not a bad person...you can always say sorry to the girl in person and try to be helpful to everyone around you in the future..

AbhiLaSH RuHeLa

Hey Angie aunty,

Thanks for publicizing me as a good human being..hahaha..Actually auntiji that was a moment when I really felt bad for myself..I dont want to be so actless wen I can see injustice going on with sumeone..I feel like raising voice..and that day I kept quiet which lad to character assassination of that girl..so I was so hard on myself..as there was nothing...even on the next day...she was sitting quietly in the class.no one was talking to her...So I was really very sad for her..even the girl is not so decent..but this time she wasnt wrong..and auntiji thans for reading and commenting..

Wilshire Dias

Oh no! I was not making fun of your of your dedication towards Sai Baba,neither was I making fun of Sai Baba. Through that comic line I just wanted to project how people ask for blessings when they need any favour or any work needs to be done. And at other times they forget him. Just as you asked Sai Baba to forgive you. But you failed to see that it was your doing, and even if you ask Sai Baba, you are still responsible for your actions and you should have accepted it with a strong heart. If people commit sins and keep asking for forgivness does it mean all of us are sinless creatures? I hope you get what I mean. But I still say I didnt say anything hurting or derogatory. It was just meant to be taken in healthy humour. We all need to be a little less serious!

AbhiLaSH RuHeLa

Uff..Sorry Wilshire...As I took u wrong way..Im really very very sorry...

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