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Friday, May 14, 2010

90th Blog of this Year-2010 vs 88 of Last Year

            196TH BLOG -->>

        Sorry my dear friends..Im really apologizing in a shameful manner..I promised to write two more blogs today but it is said naa that there is no fixed plan of future..Life and routines play its part unpredictability..And this is what happened today..While I was planning to write the 3rd blog, Mummy vociferated that I have to move towards Nerul-My Mausaji's house..And just after I reached here...She too came behind me.Again an unpredictibility.. So right now, Im sitting at my Mausaji's house but again a dedication is showing its part and Im writing this 3rd blog today..Even this is a record for me..And Im happy...Yaa I failed to give 4 blogs in a day in the time span of 24 hours...But I think the way you all are supporting me , One day I'll surely be successful in doing this impossibility..Lets see...I dont want to create a big hype of promises and a nonentity of fulfilling them..So its good to stay away from the promises and giving emphasize on the verbs...

             Im happy to announce one more good news...This is my 90th Blog of 2010...Last year in 2009, I have published 88 blogs, But this year I have completed 88 blogs in this month itself..I am very happy..I hope that I will complete 200 blogs this year itself..I'm very happy with my performance on ARB...ANd Im also happy with my readers as the comments have also started raining on my blog..I accept everyone and I still have a request..There are many from you who comment as Anonymous..So plz write your name after the comments so that I can know who are you and what exactly do you want..So please fulfil my request...

             I have got an offer to write for the children in a magazine..Im very happy that I got an opportunity to participate in teh noble cause for chilren..Hope I get a chance to publish my Writings and Articles in the Magazine which is named as Reader's Quotient..Hope Everyone love me there too...I get the same love as I get for my blogs..Im also happy that now there are more appreciators than criticizers..Im very happy...Happy happy happy...Friends, Sorry for the spelling mistakes..I have no time to edit them as Im not in my house...So please co-operate...



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